
Master of Arts In Teaching (MAT)


CSM Teacher Education Graduate Faculty are committed to a creative academic environment for scholarship, research, teaching and learning that promotes the mission of College of Saint Mary for all students. Teacher education programs educate prospective teachers through professional courses which emphasize the acquisition of knowledge, skills, competencies and professional dispositions. The experiences offered within the educational program enhance and complement the knowledge and values encompassed in the liberal arts component offered at College of Saint Mary. The department provides for individual differences, interests and needs within specific curriculum experiences while providing a broad overall theoretical and philosophical background in education. Professional course work, labs, and field-based experiences (at least 100 hours) provide students with practical knowledge regarding learners, learning processes, and teaching competencies relevant to identified careers. All methods courses provide opportunities for students to plan and conduct lessons consistent with Nebraska K-12 Academic Standards. Appropriate use of instructional technology is integrated into all content and pedagogy. Intensive reading and graduate-level writing experiences are integrated into all MAT courses.

Students with a bachelor's degree that want to pursue a career in education, can earn a Master's Degree that aligns with the requirements for NE teaching certification in the following grade levels and programs:

K-6 Elementary Education

K-6 Elementary Education + K-6 Special Education

5-9 Middle level or 7-12 Secondary in the following content areas:

  • Art (PK-12)
  • Biology (7-12)
  • Business, Marketing, and Information Technology (6-12)
  • Chemistry (7-12)
  • English Language Arts (5-9, 7-12)
  • Mathematics (5-9, 7-12)
  • Social Science (5-9, 7-12)
  • Science (5-9, 7-12)
  • Spanish World Language (K-12, 7-12)

Field Experience

For all courses with a field experience requirement, an official background check must be secured. The background check must be completed the first term a student is enrolled in a course with a field experience requirement and is valid for fiveyears. Students are encouraged to join the Student Education Association of Nebraska (SEAN). Costs for these two requirements amount to approximately $90 per year.

Clinical Practice (Student Teaching)

Applicants for certification with a single endorsement complete a sixteen-week clinical practice in one setting. Those seeking multiple endorsements complete a ten-week clinical practice in each field for which they are seeking certification. Clinical practice placements are planned in regard to students’ specific needs and certification requirements. Placements are intended to enhance prospective teachers’ exposure to various teaching styles, philosophies, and cultural settings. The online application for clinical practice must be submitted no later than September 15 or February 1 during the semester immediately preceding assignments.

Students applying for clinical practice are expected to evidence cumulative scholastic achievement (cumulative GPA of 2.75), appropriate methodological background, up-to date electronic portfolio, proficiency in spoken and written language, and a record of professional dispositions for successful teaching. An official background check must be completed within 90 days of beginning clinical practice. Transportation to clinical practice sites are the responsibility of the student. The Teacher Education Committee reviews applications for consideration of placement. The committee may accept, not accept or defer a candidate’s application. Deferred candidates may appeal and request a hearing before the Teacher Education Committee.


Students who successfully meet state required competencies may qualify for a Nebraska Teaching Certificate. Continuous growth in knowledge, pedagogy and professionalism, as well as satisfactory performance during clinical practice, and completion of Praxis II for each content area as required by Nebraska Rule is in the recommendation for certification. Completion of the education program does not guarantee certification.

Failure to apply for Nebraska Teacher Certification at the time of program completion/graduation may result in your program not meeting Rules 20, 21, 23, 24 or 27 changes in interim between application and program completion. Rule changes in effect at the time of application will need to be made up as deficiencies.

Since certification requirements of various states differ, a student planning to teach in a state other than Nebraska should inquire about specific requirements for that state.


Courses that are required in addition to the core for the following content area endorsements:

  • 6-12 Business Marketing Information Technology
  • 7-12 Biology
  • 7-12 Chemistry
  • 7-12 Secondary English
  • 5-9 or 7-12 English Language Arts
  • 5-9 or 6-12 Mathematics
  • 5-9 or 7-12 Science
  • 5-9 or 7-12 Social Science
  • PK-12 Art
  • K-12 Religious Education

ENG 562: (Middle & English Language Arts Only)

Item #
Sub-Total Credits

7-12 Reading & Writing Supplemental Endorsement

Courses that are required in addition to the core + middle/secondary/PK-12 courses:

Item #
Sub-Total Credits
Total Credits