Bachelor of Science in Nursing

Bachelor of Science in Nursing


Students complete a curriculum that includes a combination of nursing, general education, and supporting courses. Laboratory and clinical practice, which is a part of the curriculum, begins in the first semester and extends throughout the program. A variety of health care agencies in the community are used for clinical experience. Clinical practice courses require a 3:1 ratio of contact hours per credit hour earned. Transportation to the clinical facilities is the responsibility of the student.

The BSN program is designed as a day program and is to be completed through full-time study over 3 years.

All BSN graduates are required to complete a minimum of 128 hours, at least 36 of which must be completed at College of Saint Mary. Graduates of the BSN program are eligible to take the National Council of State Board of Nursing (NCLEX-RN) examination for registered nurses.

BSN Program Outcomes

Upon completion of the BSN program, the student will:

  1. Demonstrate critical thinking and clinical judgment while delivering culturally congruent, client-centered care.
  2. Utilize evidence-based practices to ensure safety when working with clients across diverse healthcare and community-based settings.
  3. Demonstrate effective communication and collaboration across diverse healthcare systems, promoting a culture of open dialogue, shared decision-making, and collaborative problem-solving.
  4. Incorporate evidence-based practices (EBP) in the delivery of healthcare across the lifespan.
  5. Understand the fundamental elements of the quality improvement process and its role in achieving positive healthcare outcomes.
  6. Utilize information and technology to support informed decision-making in an ever-changing healthcare arena.
  7. Exhibit leadership and professional behaviors by upholding the ANA Nursing Code of Ethics and fostering a culture of accountability, respect, integrity, and continuous professional development.

Please refer to the Pre-Licensure Bachelor of Science in Nursing Program Student Manual for additional information, including the pre-nursing option.

Requirements for Laboratory/Clinical/Preceptorship Courses

To participate in laboratory/clinical courses, the student must have the following on file:

  • the American Heart Association (AHA) Basic Life Support (BLS) CPR certificate,
  • Clinical Agency Requirements and Health Clearance Items including background checks, drug screen, fit-for-work physical, and immunization records, and
  • be able to meet Core Performance Standards (See Policy 1.2: Core Performance Standards; and Policy 1.3: Nursing Program Requirements).

Any expense incurred in connection with these requirements is the responsibility of the student.

The nursing program reserves the right of retaining only those students who, in the judgment of the faculty, satisfy the requirements of scholarship, health, and personal suitability for nursing.

Progression in the Program

In order to progress from one semester to the next, the student must complete the program of study in the prescribed sequence. A student who fails a nursing course will be required to repeat that course before progression to the next level of the nursing curriculum. This may delay the anticipated graduation date. The student must maintain an overall cumulative grade point average of 2.0, earn a minimum grade of C in all natural and biological science courses, math, general psychology, moral reasoning, English, and earn a C or better in each nursing course. A grade below C or an unsatisfactory (UN) in a nursing course is considered failing. When a student is not successful in one component of the nursing course, both components are repeated. Any student who unsuccessfully completes (withdraws and/or earns less than a ‘C’) the same or any combination of two (2) math, program-required science, and/or nursing courses will be reviewed by the Nursing Student Committee and may be dismissed from the program. The student must comply with the nursing program policies and the ethical standards of the nursing profession.

The nursing program reserves the right of retaining only those students who, in the judgment of the faculty, satisfy the requirements of scholarship, health, and personal suitability for nursing.


The Bachelor of Science in Nursing degree is granted by College of Saint Mary to those candidates who have been recommended by the faculty of the nursing program and have completed the following requirements:

  1. A minimum of 128 hours as prescribed in the curriculum.
  2. A minimum of 36 of the last 45 hours at College of Saint Mary.

The nursing program reserves the right to change the curriculum as deemed necessary for the continuation of high quality education.

General Education

Level I 

Item #
Sub-Total Credits

Level II

MTH 112 is prerequisite/ concurrent for CHM 100 & MTH 242

Item #
Sub-Total Credits


Sub-Total Credits

Supporting Field/Minor

Natural Sciences met with supporting courses and Chemistry

Some courses may be counted in more than one category. Courses cannot be cross counted within general education. The student must still complete the specific total hours for graduation by taking additional electives.

Developmental courses cannot be counted toward graduation requirements. Student may be required to complete prerequisite courses.

Total Credits