General Education
Level I
Level II
Major Program Courses
Supporting Courses
Professional Year of Study
A biology degree can be granted by taking the following courses if the student decides to not pursue the professional year to complete the MLS: BIO 250/BIO 251, BIO 266/BIO 267, BIO 475, BIO 392, PHY 202/PHY 203, PHY 204/ PHY 205, 6-9 credits of BIO electives.
Admission requirements: To begin the Medical Laboratory Science program students must meet the prerequisites for MTH 114, ENG 101, BIO 110, and CHM 110 by placement or past coursework.
Some courses may be counted in more than one category. Courses cannot be cross counted within general education. The student must still complete the specific total hours for graduation by taking additional electives.
Developmental courses cannot be counted toward graduation requirements. Student may be required to complete prerequisite courses.