Undergraduate Student Learning Outcomes

Critical and Creative Thinking

  • Generate innovative ideas and solutions to problems.
  • Draw well-reasoned conclusions from evidence appropriate to various disciplines.
  • Synthesize connections between liberal arts learning and personal, professional, and civic life.


  • Demonstrate the attributes of a values-based leader including accountability, integrity, empathy, collaboration, and adaptability.
  • Communicate effectively in social, academic, and professional contexts using written, oral, electronic, quantitative, and/or visual modes of communication.
  • Demonstrate competence in their discipline and/or profession.

Global and Cultural Diversity

  • Engage in critical reflection on the basis of one’s own personal perspectives, attitudes, and biases.
  • Demonstrate specific knowledge of cultural, religious, historical, social, economic, technological, and/or political factors that shape aspects of one or more diverse groups and influence social inequality.
  • Engage in thoughtful and respectful civil discourse that acknowledges and respects the differences of others.

Mercy Spirituality

  • Articulate the value of individual spiritualities and deeply held values while offering hospitality toward others’ faith traditions and spiritualities.
  • Engage in social action consistent with the Critical Concerns of the Sisters of Mercy.