
The theatre curriculum is designed to give students a broad introduction to various aspects of the theatrical arts. All THR courses are approved for fine arts credit for General Education.

Theatre courses develop communication, presentation, and interpersonal skills that are useful in many careers.


THR 101: The Art of the Theatre

This introduction to theatre will acquaint students with each element of the art and discipline of the theatre. The class will explore the development of live performance and touchstone plays. Students will learn about the techniques of acting, directing, and production. Students' examination of this area will be undertaken through attending lectures, play reading and study, reading aloud in class, and visiting a theatre or theatres in various states of production. No prerequisite.

THR 201: Dramatic Literature

Students will study significant plays from the Greek classic through contemporary eras and the historical periods which fostered them. When possible, works discussed will be enhanced by live theatre or audiovisual productions. (Also listed as ENG 201).

THR 343: Shakespeare in Performance

A careful examination of several Shakespeare texts and the way in which they translate into live theatre. This course is designed to enable students to understand the words, the plots and the theatrical conventions which bring the plays to life. When possible, works discussed will be enhanced by live theatre or audiovisual productions. Also listed as ENG 343.

THR 360: Theatrical Production

Students will actively participate in the staging and performance of a theatrical production. By studying styles of acting, script analysis, technical design, and directing, students will develop understanding of how theatre works through first-hand experience.