Project SPEAK

Project SPEAK is dedicated to creating comprehensive and survivor-centered responses to sexual assault, domestic violence, dating violence and stalking on our campus and in our community; we empower and educate the community and survivors to foster a safe and supportive environment.

Project SPEAK is created and funded through the Office on Violence Against Women (OVW), a component of the United States Government Department of Justice, a grand to reduce sexual assault, domestic violence, dating violence, and stalking (SDDVS) on campus.
What we do:

  1. Provide ongoing comprehensive prevention, education, and bystander intervention training for the entire campus community.
    1. Programming is tailored to meet cultural/population specific needs of students, faculty, and staff.
    2. Ongoing training for campus security, disciplinary boards on best practices, effective reporting, and response to SDDVS. 
  2. Foster comprehensive coordinated community responses by facilitating campus and community conversations
  3. Partner with community-based victim service providers to provide 24-hour confidential accessibility to victim services.
  4. Enhance campus-based victim services and comprehensive responses

For questions regarding Project SPEAK services please email [email protected]. The program coordinator is located in Walsh Hall 151.