Practical Nursing Program


PNC 101: Introduction to Practical Nursing I

This theory course introduces nursing content that focuses on basic concepts and skills related to categories of normal human functioning including growth and development, selected alterations in categories of human functioning, therapeutic communication, nursing process, teaching/learning and professional development related to the care of adult clients.

PNC 102: Medical-Surgical Practical Nursing I

This theory course expands the knowledge of health promotion of the young, middle and older adult, as well as the adaptation by the client to acute and chronic illnesses. The student will continue to use the nursing process related to common disease conditions incorporating health assessment, basic abnormalities of bodily functions of the disease process, pharmacological and nutritional management of diseases and utilization of spiritual and culturally sensitive nursing interventions to assist selected clients to adapt to alterations in categories of human functioning and health. The selected alterations in categories of human function that will be studied include protection (Integumentary and Endocrine), nutrition and elimination (Gastrointestinal), growth and development (Endocrine), and fluid-gas transport (Cardiovascular and Respiratory).

PNC 103: Medical-Surgical Practical Nursing II

This theory course expands the knowledge of health promotion of the young, middle and older adult, as well as the adaptation by the client to acute and chronic illnesses. The student will continue to use the nursing process related to common disease conditions incorporating health assessment, basic abnormalities of bodily functions of the disease process, pharmacological and nutritional management of diseases and utilization of spiritual and culturally sensitive nursing interventions to assist selected clients to adapt to alterations in categories of human functioning and health. The selected alterations in categories of human function that will be studied include sensory/perceptual (Eyes and Ears), protection (Immune), sensory/perceptual (Neurological), elimination (Renal), growth and development (Reproduction), and fluid-gas transport (Hematology and Renal). Practical nursing care surrounding emergent and urgent care situations will also be discussed.

PNC 104: Maternal-Child Practical Nursing

This theory course expands knowledge of health promotion and disease process throughout the lifespan. Normal pregnancy experience along with selected alterations, care of the normal newborn with selected alterations, and health and illness of children and adolescents will be explored in this course. The student will expand the use of the nursing process to include health assessment, alterations in selected bodily functions, pharmacological and nutritional management of disease process and utilization of spiritual and culturally sensitive nursing interventions to assist individuals and families to adapt to alterations across the lifespan.

PNC 105: Transition to Practical Nursing Practice

Content for this course will address issues that have broad implications in the practice of nursing for licensed practical nurses. As manager of care for selected clients, the student will address principles related to coordination of care, prioritization, evidence based practice, and quality improvement. Role transition from student to the entry level of practical nursing practice will be discussed.

PNC 124: Introduction to Pharmacology

This theory course involves the study of selected classes of drugs, which includes: names, uses, mechanism of actions, systemic effects, adverse effects, compatibilities, contraindications, and nursing implications. Specific examples of drugs will be used as models to explain various classes and how they can be incorporated into each phase of the nursing process. Specific analysis of the biochemical and physiological effects of drugs on selected normal and alterations in categories of human functioning will be examined.

PNC 131: Psychosocial Concepts in Practical Nursing

Content for this course will address therapeutic and interdisciplinary communication concepts as well as the management of clients with normal psychosocial functioning and selected common psychiatric and behavioral conditions. The student will explore the practical nurses' role in the implementation of interventions that assist individuals of various cultural and spiritual backgrounds to adapt to healthy functioning.

PNC 142: Nutrition

This theory course will focus on the concepts of nutrition therapy and assist the student to understand and apply nutrition therapy with nursing interventions to assist selected clients to adapt to alterations in human functioning and health.

PNC 143: Integrating Practical Nursing Concepts

This theory course will build on previous knowledge of selected alterations in categories of human functioning with the focus of integrating practical nursing concepts. This course will address physiological integrity of individuals with acute and chronic diseases across the lifespan, with a focus on basic care and comfort, pharmacological and parenteral therapies and a reduction of risk potential. The course will expand on the nursing process using a variety of active teaching strategies. Practical nursing care surrounding emergent and urgent care situations will also be discussed.

PNC 171: Practical Nursing Clinical I

This beginning-level clinical nursing course will focus on the initial skills needed to care for the client. The clinical laboratory and long-term care will be used as practice settings. (14 hours per week plus prelab.)

PNC 172: Medical-Surgical Practical Nursing I

This clinical nursing course will focus on applying the skills needed to care for selected adult clients. The long-term care area will be used as the practice setting. (16 clinical hours per week plus prelab.)

PNC 173: Medical-Surgical Practical Nursing II

This clinical nursing course will focus on applying the skills needed to care for selected adult clients. Long-term care with skilled units and acute hospital sites will be used as practice setting. (16 clinical hours per week plus prelab.)

PNC 174: Maternal-Child Practical Nursing Clinical

This clinical nursing course will focus on applying the skills needed to care for selected clients across the life span from fertilization through young adult. Acute-care, clinics, daycares, and schools will be used as practice settings. (6-12 clinical hours per week)

PNC 175: Transition to Practical Nursing Practical Clinical

This clinical nursing course will focus on applying the skills needed to act as manager of care for selected clients. The student will apply principles related to coordination of care and selected safety and infection control principles. Long term care facilities and clinics will be used as practice settings. (6-12 clinical hours per week)