Bachelor of Science in Nursing

Bachelor of Science in Nursing - Second Degree Student (Holds Bachelor Degree)


Students complete a curriculum that includes a combination of nursing, general education, and supporting courses. Laboratory and clinical practice, which is a part of the curriculum, begins in the first semester and extends throughout the program. A variety of health care agencies in the community are used for clinical experience. Clinical practice courses require a 3:1 ratio of contact hours per credit hour earned. Transportation to the clinical facilities is the responsibility of the student.

The BSN program is designed as a day program and is to be completed through full-time study over 3 years.

All BSN graduates are required to complete a minimum of 128 hours, at least 36 of which must be completed at College of Saint Mary. Graduates of the BSN program are eligible to take the National Council of State Board of Nursing (NCLEX-RN) examination for registered nurses.

BSN Program Outcomes

The Second Degree BSN Program Option for students who have previously earned a bachelor's degree shares the same Core Performance Standards, BLS/CPR Certification, Health Clearance Requirements, Background and Abuse/Neglect Screen Investigations, Progression policies, and Graduation Requirements as the Traditional BSN Program.

The nursing program reserves the right to change the curriculum as deemed necessary for the continuation of high quality education.

General Education

MTH 112 is prerequisite/concurrent for CHM 100 and MTH 242 (for BSN curriculum).

Item #
Sub-Total Credits

Supporting Field/Minor

Natural Sciences met with supporting courses.

Some courses may be counted in more than one category. Courses cannot be cross counted within general education. The student must still complete the specific total hours for graduation by taking additional electives.

Developmental courses cannot be counted toward graduation requirements. Student may be required to complete prerequisite courses.

Total Credits