Mental Health Counseling Service

In order to increase the breadth and depth of the mental health services provided to CSM students, CSM is partnering with Virtual Care Group (VCG) which will provide a 24/7, free confidential online mental health support services beginning in summer 2022. VCG will provide immediate assistance to students via phone or online (within minutes) for a wide range of mental health concerns including stress, adjustment to college life, relationship and family conflicts, parenting issues, death of a friend or family member, substance abuse, financial and academic concerns, anxiety, depression, and other mental health concerns. VCG counselors are master’s level, licensed, experienced professionals covering over fifteen therapeutic specialties. Students can request a therapist trained to assist with a specific concern and can meet with the same therapist on an ongoing basis or change therapists if they would like.

To connect with VCG, students must register using this link and it only takes minutes: Once registered, student may call 855.522.1226 to set up an appointment with a VCG therapist.