Kinesiology & Exercise Science

Kinesiology and exercise science is the study of human movement through an analysis of body mechanics. Coursework includes topics such as anatomy, biomechanics, exercise physiology, fitness for population groups, and issues in rehabilitation.

Degrees and Certificates


KES 143 : Health & Wellness for Women

Health in today's society is a dynamic process of change. Student success in the university environment is influenced by the relationships that they maintain, create, or change. Adaptation to the stresses of university life is critical. The way in which students cope with change and the stressors they encounter is a focus of this course.

KES 200 : Foundations of Kinesiology

An entry level course designed to meet the students' needs for careers related to kinesiology and exercise science. Emphasis will be placed on the basics of biological science and human movement.

KES 350 : Exercise Physiology

Study of physiological responses and adaptations to exercise related to human performance limitations, training effects, and health-related benefits.

KES 400 : Exercise Testing & Prescription

This course is designed to provide the student with the knowledge, skills, and abilities to assess different areas of physical fitness and prescribe individual exercise programs based on these objective measures.

KES 401 : Research Methods

The purpose of this course is to provide students with an advanced understanding of how to read, present, and interpret data involved in exercise science research. This course will also prepare students to design experiments, analyze data, evaluate results, and report findings.

KES 450 : Theories of Strength & Conditioning

This 3-credit course is designed to provide a comprehensive overview of strength and conditioning. Emphasis is placed on the exercise sciences (including anatomy, exercise physiology, and biomechanics), nutrition, exercise technique, program design, organization and administration, and testing and evaluation. Additionally, this course is designed to prepare all students for the nationally accredited Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist (CSCS) certification exam.

KES 454 : Biomechanics

This course will focus on analyzing human movement through various observations in activity or sport will be addressed.

KES 490 : Senior Seminar

This course will focus on current events and research that is emerging nation-wide as a trend for the Kinesiology field of study.

KES 495 : Special Project/Senior Research

This will provide the opportunity for KES students to serve the CSM and community through on-site practical skills, developing a service-learning project, or research paper in order to prepare for an external internship site.

KES 498 : Internship

Internship in Kinesiology & Exercise Science is a supervised experience in which the student can implement theories and practices in a professional setting under the direction of a qualified administrator. Students will participate in either a full or part-time experience that fits their personal interest for exposure to various professional areas of Exercise Science.

KES 501 : Research Methods

The purpose of this course is to provide students with an advanced understanding of how to read, present, and interpret data involved in exercise science research. This course will also prepare students to design experiments, analyze data, evaluate results, and report findings. 

KES 590 : Seminar

This is an interactive course in which students investigate applications used in exercise science by experts in the field and report on the scientific efficacy and application of these practices. The course also involves application of theory using various case studies throughout the semester.

KES 595 : Practicum

This will provide the opportunity for KES graduate students to serve the CSM and community through on-site practical skills, developing a service learning project, or research paper in order to prepare for an external internship site.

KES 600 : Exercise Testing and Prescription

This course is designed to provide the graduate student with the knowledge, skills, and abilities to assess different areas of physical fitness and prescribe individual and special populations exercise programs based on these objective measures.

KES 622 : Sport Nutrition

This course investigates the science of food relative to human performance, nutrition, and health education. Areas of emphasis include nutrient chemistry, function, and interactions; energy consumption and metabolism; and resources for nutrition education.

KES 650 : Theories of Strength & Conditioning

This course is designed to provide students with theoretical and practical knowledge of the physiological, biomechanical, and administrative aspects of designing and supervising strength and conditioning programs for various populations.

KES 652 : Motor Behavior

The course covers a lifespan view of motor learning, motor control, and motor development. The development of each of the body systems (musculoskeletal, neurological, cardiopulmonary, integument) is related to function throughout the lifespan.

KES 654 : Advanced Biomechanics

This course will involve the study of the biomechanical principles that contribute to human performance. Laboratory and practical application of the biomechanical principles of human performance as it applies to various sport activities will be emphasized.

KES 797 : Graduate Internship

This graduate course is a supervised experience in which the student can implement theories and practices in a professional setting under the direction of a qualified administrator. Students will participate in either a full or part-time experience that fits their personal interest for exposure to various professional areas of Exercise Science.

KES 798 : Professional Service Project

This course will assist in developing practical programming that includes supervised pre-professional practice in approved service agencies or organizations. This involves participation in planning, conducting, and evaluating, supervisory, and levels of leadership within a major organization structure.

KES 799 : Thesis

This optional course is the collimation of the M.S. degree, resulting in a substantive paper that involves original collection or treatment of data and/or results. Students selecting the thesis option must receive a commitment from a faculty member.