Human Services
See Psychology for complete degree information. As part of the Applied Psychology degree, the Human Services program prepares women to provide services to individuals and families in need of assistance. Through participation in supervised fieldwork, graduates will also have direct hands-on experience, which provides them with the knowledge and skills necessary for a successful human services career.
HSV 230 : Attitudes and Values
Requires the student to examine herself, her values and belief systems, and the effect of her belief systems on her perception of and interaction with others. (Also listed as PSY 230.)
HSV 236 : Alcohol and Substance Abuse
Examines the current research and findings on alcohol and substance abuse regarding causes, treatments, and effects. Consequences for the family and society and major intervention techniques and therapeutic models are discussed and evaluated. (Also listed as PSY 236.)
HSV 377 : Fieldwork Experience I
Introduces students to the knowledge, skills, and personal development that happen in the human services setting. Skills focus on understanding the human service organization and the various roles and functions of human service workers. Course requires completion of 175 Fieldwork Hours.
HSV 378 : Fieldwork Seminar I
Explores and discusses problems, solutions, ethical issues, and other interesting situations experienced in HSV 377.
HSV 477 : Fieldwork Experience II
Engages the student in addressing and solving more complex problems in service delivery. Greater autonomy and responsibility in the human services setting is expected of the student during this course. Course requires completion of 175 Fieldwork Hours.
HSV 478 : Fieldwork Seminar II
Explores and discusses problems, solutions, ethical issues, and other interesting situations experienced in HSV 477.