BIO 460 : Gross Anatomy

Class Program
Credits 5

The course will offer a small number of students (an opportunity to learn macroscopic (gross) anatomy using the cadaver as a teaching tool. Modeled after medical school gross anatomy, the students begin the semester with an intact cadaver and, over the course of the semester, work their way through dissecting the entire body. "Class time" is really dissection time, as students learn by identifying structures, tissue planes and the relationships between them using the dissection guide, cadaver and anatomy atlases as resources. Class time is also used to present information to each other as well as to the course instructor (part of assessment). The course requires a significant time commitment on the part of the student — they will be in the lab dissecting for at least 4-5 hours per week (often times more). In addition, students are responsible for a wide range of anatomic terms and structures, so study time is also a significant requirement of the course. This course is perfect for the student who enjoyed anatomy and wants to take their understanding of the structure of the body to the next level.


C or better in BIO 200/BIO 202 or BIO 310/BIO 312 and instructor permission.